The Gift Of Confidence
In my job as a personal stylist, the greatest gift I can give to my clients is an increase in confidence. Most people I see have been looking in the mirror (or avoiding one) and bashing themselves about the negatives for years (my nose is too big, my hips are too wide…)!
Even when a piece of clothing suits them perfectly there’s often an element of doubt and they’ll say things like, “Do I look silly in this?” or “Is it too young for me?”
The best part of my job is helping them to change their mindset and notice all the positive, beautiful bits of themselves. I always aim to help them stand tall again and wear clothes they love with confidence and style. And it’s so rewarding when they return with a shimmy in their step or they email to recount tales of compliments they’ve received and how good they now feel.
Most of us have a friend or relative that has no idea how lovely they look to others and often they’re full of self-doubt so a gift of confidence could be just what they need this Christmas.
Gifts that make a difference include:
If someone is constantly wearing colours (or non-colours) that drain them, they will tend to feel washed out and drab. A colour consultation can make all the difference and will show them how to inject the wow factor back into their look, bringing out the best in their own colouring.
If you’re thinking about giving the gift of colour to a friend or family member read more about the colour consultation here.

The gift of a style consultation will ensure that the recipient never goes away thinking that their whole body or wardrobe is a mess! They’ll learn there’s much to be proud of. Sometimes when people wear the wrong styles and fabrics for the body shape they can feel fat, frumpy, old or unstylish but a style consultation will show them how to make the most of the body they have. They’ll learn how to choose clothes that will not only make them feel body confident but will also suit their personalities and lifestyle as well.
Ideal gift for the loved one who has a wardrobe full of clothes, but nothing to wear – read more about the style consultation here.

Many of my clients feel very unsure or overwhelmed by the thought of make-up. They either worry that they’re not doing it right or feel too daunted to wear any at all. Trips to big brands at department stores often aren’t reassuring and sometimes a one-style-suits-all approach is used.
My make-up consultations always take place in the natural light and the age and personality of the client are taken into account. Some people like a made-up look whereas others want a much more natural look that will be easy to replicate at home. Good make-up can really help to boost confidence and I try to start at the client’s starting point and ease them in gently, not giving too many steps or changes at once. I’m always happy to help a client use the things that work in her make-up bag before she buys any other essentials.
Great gift for anyone! Read more about the make-up consultations here.

Don’t forget that the men in your life can feel equally unconfident about how they look. They usually hide it better but often they really have no idea of what really suits them or how they could make the most of themselves. They too have doubts about whether they’re too old for certain clothes or if they could pull off a look like a colleague at work/a celebrity they admire and so on. A men’s consultation can boost their confidence and make it really easy for them to shop for clothes that make them feel good.
Ideal gift for the man in your life – read more about men’s services here.

So, if you’re thinking of an experience gift for your loved ones this year, one of the above could be just the thing. It’s not just a gift that will leave them feeling pampered on the day but a gift that will benefit their confidence for many years to come!
Experience day gift cards - the perfect gift!
Experiences last a lifetime! Pick a consultation as a present and I’ll send you a gift card to give to the lucky person!