Listening to Steve Wright’s love songs a few weeks ago, I was intrigued to hear him reading out top dating tips from for people who are struggling to find their perfect partner.
Much of what they were advising was focused on self-development and rightly mentioned that although a person’s values and personality are the most important thing, initial attraction is necessary to get you dates which might lead to you finding a long-term partner.
As well as being attractive to others, when you look great, you’ll have better confidence too which is a very attractive quality.
Often I see clients who have been out of the dating game for a while and want to start again but aren’t quite sure that their wardrobe is up to it so here are some things to consider.
Here are my tips for what to wear on a first date…
Colour is a really important aspect so do give this consideration.
Men will often say that they like women in black as it’s sexy but actually for a first date, is that how you want to come across? And for a date with a quieter, shy guy/girl, black can come across as intimidating so be a bit careful.
Pink can be a romantic colour for a first date if you want to feel attractive and it gives the skin a lovely glow; just make sure you know if you have a warm or cool skin tone so that you can choose a coral pink if warm and a cooler baby pink if cool.
Blue is a colour that signifies honesty and could be a great option especially if you have blue eyes but make sure you’re not wearing something that looks too business-like and stand-off-ish!
Soft purples, yellows and greens can be friendly especially if combined in a pattern such as a floral.
Red! Well, red is definitely a colour of energy, confidence and excitement so if you think your date can handle it, go for it. Red is a great colour for your dating profile picture as it stands out and gets you noticed.
If you struggle to know which colours make you look most attractive, why not book a colour consultation with a personal stylist?

First of all, what not to wear! Don’t wear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Don’t wear anything that’s old and shabby or anything that doesn’t make you feel special. If you usually wear trousers, stick to trousers. If you usually wear skirts and dresses, wear one of those.
Pick an outfit that you really love. If you feel good in your clothes, you’ll exude confidence and come across as more attractive.
Think about the best bits of your body and make sure the outfit is flattering to them. Work out where you’re going for the date and make sure the outfit is appropriate. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard but you don’t want to look like you haven’t made an effort either.
If you struggle to put looks together or find clothes that make you feel good, get a stylist to help with a consultation or personal shopping.
If you have a photo on a dating profile, make sure you look as good as you can. Eyeshadow, liner and mascara will bring out your eyes and make your lashes look longer, blusher will give you an attractive glow and lipstick will obviously highlight your lips.
On your date, don’t go over the top on lipstick especially near the end when you might want that first kiss! “Accidentally” forget to top up when you visit the loo before you leave. If you don’t usually wear make-up and you’re not having much dating success, consider getting professional help with it. Choose someone who can show you how to apply make-up very naturally to highlight your best features and help you feel more attractive. You won’t want a heavy, made-up look that’s tricky to achieve and feels very alien to you.
Guys, make sure you don’t look scruffy! Your future partner doesn’t want to have to look after you! Use some product in your hair if necessary, smell nice, iron your clothes, have a shave/tidy beard, clean shoes… Your date will really appreciate that you’ve made an effort! Honestly, I once went out with a guy who thought none of the above was necessary and I wondered if that’s how he turned up for a first date, how bad would it get? It was a very short first and last date and call me shallow but I really wanted more effort!
If any of this strikes a chord with you and you’d like help to up your game, visit my services page to find out more about how I can help you. I’ve dressed women and men of all ages, shapes and sizes and after their consultations, my clients tell me they get noticed more, compliments showered on them and they feel so much more confident about how they look.
Going on a date? Want to feel confident and look fantastic?
Check out all of the services I offer for both men and women, especially for lovebirds going on dates, meeting new people and wanting that extra boost.