Like many tradesmen who dread the busman’s holiday of doing the job they love, day in, day out, in their own home, I suspect I’m not the only personal stylist whose wardrobe can become neglected! Whilst I’m frequently called upon to go to clients’ homes and edit out the pieces that don’t work in their wardrobes and whilst I thoroughly enjoy helping in that way, I recently realised that my own wardrobe-weed was long over due! So, making a good start to the New Year, I decided to tackle the task and this is what I found:
There was nothing I hadn’t worn.
This was a relief! I usually find unworn pieces in clients’ wardrobes and I’m keen to help them to understand their colouring, body shape and personality so that in the future they build a wardrobe that really works for them and waste no more money on clothes that just hang there with the tags on. My wardrobe was too full and definitely needed clearing out. But the things that went were the clothes that were looking:
- worn out
- tired
- dated
- no longer suited me as well as they once did.
There were things I’d forgotten about…
As your stylist, I’m as guilty as you on this one and I hold my hands up! My wardrobe wasn’t as organized as it should have been and some things had become hidden. I’d been getting rather fed up of some of my clothes. But it’s January and I’m not feeling like I can afford much new at the moment so re-discovering pieces that lurked at the back and in corners has really given me lots more choice! I must practice what I preach and make sure I can see everything properly in future.
I feel so much better now it’s done!
It’s a trivial thing in a way. I’d put it off for so long but now that it’s done I can see the wood for the trees. I have inspiring outfits and choices in the morning. There were dresses that in the past I had kept for emotional reasons but I now felt weren’t part of the future and I could let go of. De-cluttering is very therapeutic!
A huge haunted house style cobweb!
We’re really getting to huge confessions now! It’s a walk-in wardrobe, not huge but when I pulled out the very last jacket at the back, that’s what greeted me! And I’ve never come across one at a client’s house thank goodness because I did scream! So, now you know. I now have 58 free hangers, the charity shop and recycling bin have done well and 2019 is off to a good start.
If you are putting off the job of de-cluttering your wardrobe, don’t really know where to start or would like a hand, please do give me a call. Sometimes I know that clients hesitate because they think their wardrobe is in too bad a state and they’re ashamed to show me but I hope my confessions help you realise, I’m just like you, a real person with a real life and not enough time to do everything I should.
Let me help you with your wardrobe
To find out more about my wardrobe edit service, visit