It is a much quoted statistic that most women only wear around 20% of their wardrobes 80% of the time. I recently did a little poll on my Instagram story and received messages from followers saying that that was about right for them, some even mentioning that it was...
Is it always a struggle for you to know what to wear to Christmas events? It can be so tricky! You wonder what other people will be wearing, what is expected, how smart or casual you need to be and maybe even the weather will affect your choices. Here are some tips...
If there’s one time of year that brings out almost everyone’s thoughts on personal style, it’s Christmas. From wondering what to wear to the Christmas work’s do, to choosing a novelty Christmas jumper that’s flattering – so many things...
For the last few months you might have been wondering what to wear to your work Zoom meetings. Should you dress as you normally would in the office or can you afford to be a lot more casual? You might have noticed colleagues who haven’t looked great on camera but have...
What To Wear To Work (and why appearances should never be deceptive) What to wear to work can be a tricky question for many in today’s relaxed atmosphere. Many companies don’t have a strict dress code and it’s then natural that some employees feel it...