by Beth Price | Dec 15, 2021 | FASHION TIPS, SHOPPING
Is it always a struggle for you to know what to wear to Christmas events? It can be so tricky! You wonder what other people will be wearing, what is expected, how smart or casual you need to be and maybe even the weather will affect your choices. Here are some tips...
by Beth Price | Dec 2, 2021 | BEAUTY, EVENTS, FASHION TIPS, SHOPPING
Today I celebrate 20 years as a personal stylist!!! If you’ve read the about page on my website, you’ll know all about how I got into personal styling in the first place. I’ve loved every single year in this job and feel so lucky to have helped so many...
by Beth Price | May 13, 2021 | FASHION TIPS
As the UK lockdown ends, and people are returning to the gym, a question I’m getting asked frequently is “What should I wear to the gym?” Gone are the days when there was little choice and black lycra was often the obvious option. Now we realise that a colourful...
by Beth Price | Feb 6, 2021 | FASHION TIPS, SHOPPING
Dungarees are very much on trend this season and many of my clients are wearing them so I thought I’d write a blog on how to find the perfect dungarees for your body shape. I had forgotten all about dungarees and probably haven’t worn them since I was in my early...
by Beth Price | Dec 2, 2020 | FASHION TIPS
You know you want or need to get one, but you may be wondering how to choose your Christmas jumper. There are so many different variations so here are a few considerations you may wish to bear in mind. Choose a jumper that reflects who you are Think of the vibe you...